Family Chiropractic | Nutrition | Healthy Aging

  Contact : 1-615-794-3002

Welcome To Pence Chiropractic Center

Pence Chiropractic Center is located in historic downtown Franklin, TN. With 42 years of private practice experience, Dr. Pence is skilled in numerous areas of Chiropractic care. He is one of few doctors in the area who specialize in Applied Kinesiology, a highly effective form of diagnostics. Our friendly and knowledgeable staff will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

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Good nutrition is essential to regaining and maintaining health. Dr. Pence is an expert at identifying specific nutrient needs to support healing, recovery, and healthy aging.


Conveniently located in downtown Franklin, TN, one block from the historic square and Main Street. We offer easy, no-hassle front door parking.


Dr. Pence is our area's most experienced chiropractic physician. He has been safely and effectively practicing since 1982.


Our fees are reasonable and affordable. We accept cash, credit cards, and are a participating provider with Blue Cross Blue Shield.

Our Friendly Staff

At Pence Chiropractic Center, you will be surrounded by a friendly staff who genuinely cares about your success and helping you feel "good." Our staff truly believe in the value of chiropractic care, and all benefit from weekly adjustments and supplemental nutrition.

Dr. David S. Pence

Dr. Pence has 42 years of experience in chiropractic care.

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Pence Sense: Read Our Blog

Every month, we send out a short publication to our patients. These newsletters are filled with current nutrition trends, chiropractic news, and a few words straight from Dr. Pence himself. This blog will contain snippets from our newsletter, as well as articles we'd like to share. Feel free to share with anyone you think would also benefit.


A couple of weeks ago I read an article that said several people who had successfully battled the Coronavirus (CoVid19)…

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Are You Feeling It?

When I walked up to the glass front door I could see the residents settling in at their tables for…

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Pence Sense: Immune Support

Unless you’ve been living under a rock somewhere, you’re likely feeling some anxiety or possibly fear over the constant news…

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